Posting remains light for now. I was planning on writing a review of the new TV on the Radio album; it's half done, and I may still post it next week. But FYI: Return to Cookie Mountain is fucking terrible. I'm astounded at how bad it is. In fact with each listen I like it less and less and less.
Why has everyone been trumpeting this as the record of the year? Since February I've heard nothing but the greatest things about this album. After the first couple of listens I thought "Okay, the hype is just a little out of proportion here." But the more I listen to it the more I realize that the hype is flat out wrong. This album is ridiculous. It's crap. Don't buy it.
Longer rant TK.
Those are strong feelings. Did you like Desperate Youth? or young liars?
Posted by: Jeremy | September 28, 2006 at 03:07 PM
I loved Young Liars, and I loved the first half of Desperate Youth. In fact I think Desperate Youth was very close to being brilliant - it needed to lose maybe one song and could have been sequenced a little better. I think the album loses its momentum halfway through and then sort of peters out after a bit and ends with a whimper.
The new album is a just a big mess. Bright spots here and there, but otherwise a big mess.
Posted by: pgwp | September 29, 2006 at 09:37 AM