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March 21, 2007


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I've had this conversation a few times over the last couple years with a few people (unfortunately, you haven't been one of them). I've always loved a good sing-along, but more so in recent years. All I want these days, in fact, is some compelling melody and harmony.

Good examples for me are Sam Beam and Jeff Mangum. The last two years or so, I can sit and sing that crap all day long.

So, now I want to know, give me a list (cause lists are good times) of the best sing-along, compelling melody albums. I promise I will buy them (unless I already own them).

Jeremy, stay tuned. I'll get at this a little bit in tomorrow's post, and I'll give a list within the next day or two. But if you haven't bought that Midlake album yet I'll have to buy it for you myself!

Yoga is your way to harmony. Yoga and spirituality go hand in hand. Hath yoga is a great exercise for both mind and spirit. Spiritual medicine is fantastic for the soul and mind as well as for the body. People should pay more attention to this great tool of healing. If we have many rewards in life which can be many ferris wanli dimensional to transients to our biology and in more agreement of our attention to find the truth behind the metaphysical reformation of life. This is because our attention always go towards the traditional medicine that may or may not cure the real problem.

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