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September 25, 2007


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I guess I've told you before, but seriously, my biggest ever revelation/humiliation was Pavement. Here I am, a guy who grew up on 90's alternative/indie rock, and I didn't know just how great these guys were. I'd heard them (in fact, a band of mine in college even covered a song of theirs once) but hadn't "heard" them. And when I did, it really was that, "why did it take me so long" feeling. I've never been the same.

As far as high school goes (you know, you were there with me), I wasn't on the Pavement train either, aside from the Crooked Rain singles on MTV. In college I had a roommate who really liked them, and while working at the record store I listened to "Brighten the Corners" a lot because it was a new release at the time.

But a couple months ago, on your recommendation actually, I actually purchased Crooken Rain. I like it, though I can't say it blows me away the way it does for you. The weird thing is that despite not listening to it in high school, that's all I think about when I put the record on. It's like it's insinuated its way into my memories.

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