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October 02, 2007


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In my opinion, the natural next album for a Court and Spark convert is For the Roses.

There are several candidates for best Joni Mitchell album -- basically, any of the five from Blue to Hejira -- and it's just a matter of which aspects of her you end up liking most.

I think the Emmylou Harris music from the Seventies suffers from sameyness. I have Quarter Moon in a Ten Cent Town and Blue Kentucky Girl, plus the 3-cd box, Portraits, I think. Lots of fine songs, pretty much all with the same setting, same tempo--definitely better mixed up on iPod shuffle or something. I never want to hear a whole album.

Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain came out when I was working at a record store, so I heard it a lot at the time. But when I want to hear Pavement, it's always either Slanted and Enchanted or Wowee Zowee or maybe Brighten the Corners. Also, I was just old enough then (24/25) that when Weezer came out there was no way I could take them seriously. Then I was truly surprised when I realized several years later that Weezer was like the band for kids who were in middle and high school then.

Hm, I guess your comments don't take html. Meant to emphasize that Weezer was THE band for kids who, etc..

Scraps - thanks for the Joni recommendation. Definitely noting For the Roses.

Richard - Actually Brighten the Corners is the Pavement album I know best, because that's when I was working in a record store. I was in high school when the first Weezer album came out and I liked it a lot, but didn't think at the time that they were "significant." I sold it before I went to college and did not pay attention at all to Pinkerton. I was surprised to learn years later that that album was held in such high regard. At some point in the last seven or eight years the blue album has returned to my collection and it really does hold up. Coincidentally my wife just scored Pinkerton at a thrift store for fifty cents, so I may finally hear that album for the first time.

I've been listening to For the Roses today, and am rethinking my recommendation. Not because it isn't great -- it is -- but because, while it is a transitional album between the simplicity of Blue and the complexities of Court and Spark (speaking only of arrangements here), it's still possibly closer to Blue than would immediately work for you. So maybe the better choice is The Hissing of Summer Lawns (itself a transition between the complexities of Court and Spark and the full-blown jazziness of Hejira). There's definitely enough going on in the songs on Hissing to please a Court and Spark convert, I think (and it has my favorite Joni Mitchell song, "Edith and the Kingpin"); the possible downside of Hissing is that it marked a change of direction in her sound (the influence of jazz) and a lot of people don't like it as much for that reason. If you don't think that's a problem for you, then I'd say go with Hissing of Summer Lawns.

Duly noted. Hissing of Summer Lawns was the one I had been eyeing...

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