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July 18, 2008


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I confess to feeling some dismay at the (largely unironic, I have no doubt) love of Journey that is so common these days.

Don't ask me to explain it... someone put "don't stop believing" on a mix cd for us and it just hurts me to know that song is in my possession.

Also, just saw Foreigner on the cover of Billboard as I passed a newstand this morning. Ay yi yi...

(I must also confess to have a soft spot for Foreigner, but I can't say they're really any better than Journey, though Lou Gramm's voice is less offensive than is Steve Perry's. But only one Foreigner song is on my iPod, the admittedly mawkish and sort of terrible "I Want to Know What Love Is"--a song I loved earnestly--oh yes--before I developed any taste in music of my own.)

When I posted that link, I wasn't in the frame of mind to elaborate why that particular statement spoke to me. I'm actually pondering a long-ish entry about this subject, but there's a sensitive detail that I need to get cleared for publication first. It's not as exciting as it sounds, I just don't want anyone to get in trouble over something I wrote on the internet.

Go for it Cindy - but be prepared for a lot of google searches for "heath+ledger+ipod+playlist" - sorry everyone! All you've found is me shaming you.

Oh, ugh. I hadn't even thought of that. Perhaps I'll use asterisks.

H***h L****r

Hrm. Maybe not.

Hey, could be worse. I still regret a post I did two years ago that used the phrase "she-hulk p*rn". I get hits almost daily on that search term. That makes me sad for this world.

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