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July 29, 2008


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I love your take on the Bob Wills tune!

Apparently I'm not alone in that observation!

Nice. I'm glad to see that JP Haynie dude get some listens. I had eard him on a friend's blog and emailed him. In true unsigned artist fashion, when I asked if he had more material, he sent me a package of discs with, I assume, all of his output over the last several years. I've grown to really enjoy it. It's exactly what you said too. Simple folk. Good melodies. No pretense. Often, that's all I want.

That is hilarious.

Oh, I love me some Bob Wills, truly.

Glad you saw the light re: Hank Williams. That's excellent news.

awww hahhh. you got bit by the country bug too.

re:buck. sundazed reissued practically the entire buck owens catalog. i'm hooked on buck.

Desmond Dekker can't do wrong. Here's his version of a song that he partly inspired:

Desmond Dekker :Medley: Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da/Wise Man

Awesome - thanks Dean!

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