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September 20, 2008


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Oh snap, Scott, you are in for TWO delicious and Austin-y musical treats! Have fun at the shows... can't wait to hear your first impressions.

You are going to have a GREAT time at both.

As much as I love Britt Daniel, Jim Eno and the rest of Spoon (Eno was a producer on the Stage Names! Keepin' it local), Okkervil is a way better live band. I mean, loads.

Will Sheff has a wonderful stage presence, and while they aren't the most musically-inclined band, they are hilarious/awesome/spectacular live.

Spoon last night was pretty awesome—better than Beck, I thought (though I'm also less of a fan of Beck).

Nice to hear about Sheff's stage presence. I saw Vampire Weekend last week, then MGMT/Spoon/Beck last night, and combined I think maybe three sentences were uttered between songs. Zero attempt on anyone's part to actually try and connect with the audience.


You know there's a new Sea and Cake coming, yes?


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