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March 31, 2009


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Just wanted to pop by and say how much I enjoy your structure and substance of your blog, Sung Tongs is the AC album for me, and I really need to get my hands on the La Düsseldorf record thanks to you.

Thanks Alex - always glad to know who's reading.

That's a good idea, making your own Neu! album. I find that their albums are hard to listen to as wholes.

However, your remark that "There's always one or two tracks that see Klaus Dinger and Michael Rother slipping off the experimental ledge" I think tells me a lot about our differences in musical taste, particularly as exemplified in the Animal Collective.

For example, did you happen to see this interview with Simon Reynolds recently? In it, he nails something that is of importance to me, when it comes to music. About punk: "The Nineties pop-punk stuff seems completely toothless to me, it lacks the sense of danger and evil and monstrousness that the best 1977 punk rock had. Also you can tell the guys in those bands can really play, they’ve chosen punk rock as a style, as opposed to it being the sound that is produced when you’re straining at the upper limit of your ability (which is what defined the original punk rock)."

For me, Animal Collective are not best understood as a pop band (where pop is about making the best recording, available for sale). They challenge the upper limits of their ability. Which is why their more "indulgent" moments, or wankery, don't seem bothersome to me. They're moments on their way to something (and it's not progress or improvement, just something else).

Also, I think it's interesting that you find "Daffy Duck" wanky, since it doesn't strike me as all that different from some of the less immediate tracks on Sung Tongs. Anyway, I'm glad you guys are digging the album. And thanks as ever for the write-ups.

A response to that is probably a whole post in itself... I admit there is a line somewhere between what is "good" experimental music and what is "bad" (or "boring") - and I, personally, have trouble articulating exactly where that line is. (Honestly I think the line moves a lot.) The fact that I like some of AC's spacier moments and not others must allude to that moving line, I suppose. Or, why do I like all of Faust's records--look at their first, which is really an odd duck--but get annoyed some of Neu!'s grunting and tape experiments? I sense--and it's only a sense--that there is a premeditated aesthetic choice going on in the former and two dudes having a laugh in the latter. The Reynolds quote gets at something similar, and is worth ruminating on.

I've said it before here, but, I'll say it again, I really just don't enjoy Sung Tongs. I tried. And I was coming at it from a good place too, having purchased it after hearing/loving strawberry jam. I like Feels a lot better. I think the difference, for me, is that, on Feels, the spacier, experimental tone never goes on too long w/o being broken up by a more straightforward track (same thing I really like about Bows + Arrows). On Sung Tongs, I have to go too long w/o a break from feeling sort of bored.

You know that Rusty Santos produced Sung Tongs right? Like, Rusty Santos of Bullard High, who DJ played bass with for a while. Wild.

Wait, what?? I had no idea! I remember being at a party with him once and he was just hanging out on the porch with an acoustic guitar playing "Redemption Song." That's really the only impression of that guy I ever had... wow. Viva la Riska Peroxide!

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