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March 09, 2009


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I have no issues with the instinctive paths we take to music and trust my intuitive routes to and away from music. Ultimately, I think it's productive as we develop our own relationships and contexts for the music in the process. All of the Daptone-like retro soul is the product of crate diggers developing their own vocabulary of soul based on finding their own organizing principles for the music - something other than a linear history.

I'm a victim of the same reflex. It doesn't strike people as indie snobbery, though, because I generally make my earth-shaking musical discoveries while doing allmusic.com research on a subgenre that's been dormant (or co-opted into something else) since the 70's. The one reason I'm moved to fight these instincts is that I get the (admittedly narcissistic) feeling that a certain band is seeking out MY fandom with the same single-mindedness with which I'm off pursuing my own tastes in a corner, purposely and foolishly detached from any particular scene.

Of course, some artists (like late weird Nilsson and The Mountain Goats, to cite two absurdly different examples) only want to cater to the sort of listener who's just as stubborn as they are. But what about artists who have a more expansive sound and a friendlier attitude yet find themselves marginalized for some reason or other? Do you have an opinion on how they can best reach people like ourselves -- those of us who need to be forced to sit up and take a listen to something we'll probably like?

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