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April 07, 2009


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yo scott! ive been jamming the curtain hits the cast quite a bit over the last few months after sort of rediscovering it!

such a great record! i need to pull this one out of the archives now after reading your post!



Very nice write-up. I came across this album by accident, on the back of a cassette that someone had lent me to listen to the other side of. It had a pretty profound affect on me. Can't remember what I was supposed to listen to!

Words is one of the best songs ever, and Sea is just as beautiful for its short length. Great song choices.

i remember discovering the band similarly through this record right about the time it was released, buying it on a whim because of the cover. i'd been pretty much out of listening to any new rock/song music for a few years and this record was like a gift to my ears and sensibilities to go back into the world of songs as a listener, so much possibility in their subtlety... i too was totally blown away by it. since secret name was the pinnacle for me, and their next record after that was the end for me, i'm really curious to read your journey through their best... and whoa man, that last paragraph about listening to music at night is absolutely beautiful...!

Thanks everyone for the comments. Dave - my post on Curtain Hits the Cast will go up a little later today. Steve - I got off the Low train at exactly the same time. Things We Lost was the last record I bought by them... I'll have something to say about falling out of love with Low as well, on Friday.

Glad everyone is enjoying the posts!

We've sort of talked about this before, but I want to again throw a good word in for the beautiful Things We Lost in the Fire (with the additional caveat that I'm aware that it might, and apparently does, look different coming from different personal Low-histories).

However, in retrospect, that was indeed the correct last record to buy. Subsequent records have been only of intermittent interest to me.

I don't really have negative feelings toward that album... it's just the last album I felt I "needed" - and the only Low album I once owned but don't own any more. I do have a vague desire to still pick up everything I've missed in the last eight years, especially after binging on them this week in a way I haven't done for a long time. We'll see... most the records are on eMusic, after all...

I've bought a couple of post-lost in the fire albums, but haven't been terribly interested in them. you're not missing too much I don't think.

But I have to say that lost in the fire is arguably my favorite album of theirs. I think curtain is when they started to get really great, and fire is near perfect to my ears. I'll be interested to see what you have to say about it as we approach the end of the week.

I keep buying Low albums although like many "Things We Lost..." was where buying for love gave way to buying out of duty and hope

sunflower and dinosaur act are great tunes though!

All this talk about that album made me download it so I can listen to it again. Probably been at least six years since I've listened to it.

Also not the biggest fan of their newer stuff (of course you know that we are on the same page), but I have to publicly profess my love for the Optimim remix of Hatchet that I downloaded somewhere a while back, and encourage all you other boys commenting here to find it. That is simply a groovy song. A bit unexpected for those guys, but awesome all the same... sorta reminds me of the anomalous goodness of "Peanut Butter Toast and American Bandstand".

scott, just got through reading through your posts on low... really a great read! it not only reminded me of when you first recommended long division, and I could live in hope. thanks for sharing then and again this week!

thats so crazy your wedding was 8 years ago!

hope to get together with you guys soon!

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