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December 22, 2009


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dude, wow. thanks for the bounty!

You're welcome! If I knew how to conveniently turn this into a zip file for people to download in one fell swoop, I would. Alas, I am ignorant.

"Aftermath"! It is good to know someone else who enjoys that song, who recognizes its terrible knowledge. (I've always read it and the whole album as this post-9/11 wallow in grief and regret, and "Aftermath" seems a reaction to a big, big loss, big enough to have cratered its narrator.)

its pretty awesome that you follow thru on this

Not quite the psyche/kraut/garage playlist I'd promised you, but glad you dig it. I may still get to that playlist one of these days...

Wowee! Man, thanks.

Sea and Cake, one of my loves.

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