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November 01, 2010


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Woah, nice trio of songs in the "Turn Up The Reverb" section! Always been a fan of Flamingos and Porpoises. Seriously, I always wanted MBV to cover "Porpoise Song".

Your post made me think of the song Svefn-G-Englar by Sigur Ros (relatively recent though) that seems to cover all : buried vocals (don't understand anything!) + reverb (a lot) + Anti-Frontman (I think the band philosophy is such) + atmosphere + distortion (reverb on distortion starting at 1'22 to 1'53 is amazing (to me)).


how about tracing it to modern day dubstep as well. burial and james blake are cases of extreme vocal manipuation.. in using it as symbolism beyond the anti-rockstar posturing

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