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June 08, 2011


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You've probably figured this out already, but Klaus's golden era is roughly from 1975-1978, from Timewind to X. Also, don't miss out on his La Vie Electronique live albums that cover the same period (volumes 3-6).

Actually I didn't know that! Shulze's discography is a big mess and I've just been diving in haphazardly.

oh man... talk talk's spirit of eden is one of my all time favorite albums. I love laughing stock too, but spirit of eden is just gorgeous. I'm always really excited to come across anyone who appreciates their later work.

On fleet foxes: my sentiments exactly. Helplessness blues is actually an excellent album by any standard *except* the standard that compares it to their self-titled debut.

i can't say I'm thrilled with the new fleet foxes either. both of you already summed it up... good but wah wah

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