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December 16, 2011


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I discovered those two Talk Talk albums this year as well. Could not stop listening to them. It also took me till i was 32 to really get into Eno for whatever reason, so don't feel too bad.

No, it's too late. I feel terrible. There's nothing you can do.

Hey, it took me till this year to get to Eno, too, and I'm (gasp) 41. Love Music for Airports and Discreet Music especially.

Somehow I've never been able to get into Talk Talk, though they should be right up my alley. It's a mystery.

I can see how Talk Talk would not be everyday listening (it's not for me, either). But if you can find the time for quiet, sustained listening of either album, they're just gorgeous.

Need to get Discreet Music. Also, after hearing a 10-second snippet from the Apollo record, I really want that one too.

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