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December 06, 2011


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Guess I need to hear that Rene Hell. That Mountains record is a killer.

Jill not much of a Low fan, eh?

i actually lovelovelove low. but i fell away from them around the same time scott did, but did not pick up as readily as he did this time... i do like the album a lot, but i am just not finding myself in a place these days where i have much alone time in general, but especially alone time when it feels desirable to listen to music like that. it never feels like what i want to play when it's just me and coop, that's for sure.

i am probably struggling with finding new stuff that i like even more than scott is.

btw, i love this whole post. whys my eyes leakin'?

It's very sweet

thanks, made me reflect on the reasons I listen to music and how difficult it is to compare one piece to another.

Excellent writing Scott. Subscribed.

Here's my best of 2011:


one of the most thoughtful and well written list of top albums ive ever read. bummed that im just now getting to this. the low album is for sure one of my favorite's of the year!


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