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February 01, 2012


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Some stuff I've been listening to recently. While most of it's not new, it is all relatively new to me, and I don't see it elsewhere on your blog.

Wild Flag - Wild Flag
Apocalypse - Bill Callahan
Golden Archipelago - Shearwater
The Ruminant Band - Fruit Bats
Tanglewood Numbers - Silver Jews

Have you listened to Lower Dens, Scott? A friend hooked me into them lately, and they're really good. They have a new one coming out, but I've been listening obsessively to their first one, Twin-Hand Movement.

Also, I only recently realized (since I've been so out of the loop) that Jason Urick has been putting out records. He used to work at the record store I frequented here in Baltimore (even opened his own, short-lived one, which I also frequented, while it existed). He recommended a lot of great music to me. Nice guy; nice to see his music being well received.

Been hooked on Leonard Cohen's new Old Ideas all week now - highly recommended.

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